Co-Production – Important Information For Producers
The job of a producer is often quite complicated, and it involves hiring several people to ensure that the project can be completed on time. A producer is someone who oversees the production of the whole project. It can be an entire film, or a smaller video, or anything similar. In Thailand, there are a number of companies that you can collaborate with if you are interested in producing a new video or anything else. In many cases, producers often need to work with other companies and rent common facilities from time to time.
Co-production in Thailand is quite common and involves renting facilities or other services from private companies. There are a number of companies that offer a range of services to their clients. Here are just some of the many facilities that you can rent from the company.
Open Space
Need to build different movie sets, but don’t have enough space? You can rent these facilities from a private company. These companies offer a range of facilities designed to make it easy for you to shoot the movie that you want. Bringing your vision to life is now much easier than ever before. You can rent the open space and build the movie sets that you need. You are going to need a considerable amount of space to construct the movie sets accordingly. However, you have to make sure that you have a sizeable area where you can construct the sets. You can cover the open space if you want an indoors feel to the place, or you can keep it open.
Water Tank
Does your movie involve the use of water effects? Is it going to be shot on the sea? A large water tank could be the ideal way to replicate the feel of the open seas. You can get artificial waves, and create a bunch of artificial effects with additional machines. It all depends on your creativity and imagination, so it’s a great way to bring to life those amazing set pieces that you might have thought about incorporating into your movie. A water tank might be necessary to create an accurate depiction of water on the open seas, and it’s also going to ensure the safety of the staff members on the set.
Sound Stage
A sound stage is a soundproof structure that can be situated inside a building or in a room, and is used for theatrical film making. It’s usually located on studio properties and is designed to record the sound with perfection to ensure that the words spoken by the actors are recorded. Renting a sound stage is going to be necessary to help you record the music and the spoken statements properly. These are just a few of the many services that you are going to need. It’s recommended that you ask for quotes from different companies that offer co-production facilities before making a decision about which company to hire.